- Offerings can be mailing or sent electronically. See below for a new way to give electronically!
- Online giving can also be done through PayPal. Use your PayPal account (or setup one) and "send money" to [email protected]
- To view the live stream below, click the triangle in the middle of the video and not the Facebook icon in the lower right corner.
Now LCEF has launched a new App which lets you take control. So whether you use this program already or would like to make your giving to Bethel an automatic withdrawal, click here for the easy to follow step by step guide. This is a great way to ensure that you maintain your habit of giving, are able to make special one-time gifts, or make changes to the regular amount depending on your financial situation.
If you have any questions, email Ben Sanders, Office Assistant, at [email protected] and he will either help you or find the information for you.