20 Years of Ministry in 2020, and 10 Years at Bethel
My Reasons for a Sabbatical Now
I have viewed pastoral ministry through the words of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2:12 where he says that he ministered by "encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God" (NIV). This has served well in helping me to focus on caring for people with the Word of God while also challenging them to see how God is leading them forward as disciples.
After 20 years in ministry, though, I realize I myself need time to be encouraged and comforted. I’ve never taken a sabbatical from my day to day expectations. While I counsel people to take time for rest, God is showing me that I also need to take time for renewal, rest, and recreation. I love to use imagery and creative writing in communicating the Gospel, and this renewal time will allow me to be reinvigorated for observing the world and incorporating images into communicating the faith to others.
For Bethel, we have settled into our ways of ministering together in the 9 years of my pastorate. A rest from my presence and voice will also give them time to renew their sense of the gifts and abilities we have been exploring to pursue God's mission. The year-long interim prior to my arrival in 2010 allowed the congregation to step up and take the lead on many things in the ministry. I believe this three month sabbatical will have some similar benefits in discovering how God has equipped or can equip them for ministry. Working with our Sabbatical Team, we will design a congregational experience that will help them discover their own voice in communicating God's story that they see in their own story. As a parallel to my explorations of imagery and writing, the congregation can discover their voice that God can use to tell others about Jesus.
A Message from Bethel's Sabbatical Team
The duties and responsibilities of a pastor are very demanding, stressful, and emotionally taxing. Every day and week a pastor needs to manage his time to allow time to refresh, unwind, and family time. For a medium-sized congregation like Bethel, who only has one pastor, this work balance is even more challenging. We believe an extended break time/sabbatical will be very beneficial for Pastor Squires. The sabbatical will allow him to refocus, re-energize, take up some learning opportunities, and spend some valuable time with his family. During Pastor Squires' years of service to our congregation, many tasks have been generally accepted as things that pastor does or will take care of. Individual members and leaders are reluctant to step up and help as needed. During his sabbatical, many members and leaders will be challenged to do some things that they are not accustomed to or a little out of their comfort zone. This will help members and leaders will grow in their commitment and faith. Also, it may lead others to discover their own spiritual gifts they fill needs and serve others.
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My Reasons for a Sabbatical Now
I have viewed pastoral ministry through the words of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2:12 where he says that he ministered by "encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God" (NIV). This has served well in helping me to focus on caring for people with the Word of God while also challenging them to see how God is leading them forward as disciples.
After 20 years in ministry, though, I realize I myself need time to be encouraged and comforted. I’ve never taken a sabbatical from my day to day expectations. While I counsel people to take time for rest, God is showing me that I also need to take time for renewal, rest, and recreation. I love to use imagery and creative writing in communicating the Gospel, and this renewal time will allow me to be reinvigorated for observing the world and incorporating images into communicating the faith to others.
For Bethel, we have settled into our ways of ministering together in the 9 years of my pastorate. A rest from my presence and voice will also give them time to renew their sense of the gifts and abilities we have been exploring to pursue God's mission. The year-long interim prior to my arrival in 2010 allowed the congregation to step up and take the lead on many things in the ministry. I believe this three month sabbatical will have some similar benefits in discovering how God has equipped or can equip them for ministry. Working with our Sabbatical Team, we will design a congregational experience that will help them discover their own voice in communicating God's story that they see in their own story. As a parallel to my explorations of imagery and writing, the congregation can discover their voice that God can use to tell others about Jesus.
A Message from Bethel's Sabbatical Team
The duties and responsibilities of a pastor are very demanding, stressful, and emotionally taxing. Every day and week a pastor needs to manage his time to allow time to refresh, unwind, and family time. For a medium-sized congregation like Bethel, who only has one pastor, this work balance is even more challenging. We believe an extended break time/sabbatical will be very beneficial for Pastor Squires. The sabbatical will allow him to refocus, re-energize, take up some learning opportunities, and spend some valuable time with his family. During Pastor Squires' years of service to our congregation, many tasks have been generally accepted as things that pastor does or will take care of. Individual members and leaders are reluctant to step up and help as needed. During his sabbatical, many members and leaders will be challenged to do some things that they are not accustomed to or a little out of their comfort zone. This will help members and leaders will grow in their commitment and faith. Also, it may lead others to discover their own spiritual gifts they fill needs and serve others.
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