Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. They are then shipped to distribution partners where their meals have reached nearly 70 countries around the world. Packaging events are scheduled for Thursday 4/21 from 6 – 7:30pm (30 spots available) and Saturday 6/18 from 9-11am (50 spots available). A sign-up sheet is available on the YFM board. Sign up early, because spots go quickly. |
Feed My Starving Children3/16/2016 Easter Breakfast 20163/11/2016 We are looking for helpers to setup (Saturday afternoon 04/26). We also need servers and cooks for early Easter morning and servers, cooks and clean-up crew for later Easter morning. The sign-up sheet is on the Hub. Can't get up that early? How about dropping off some breakfast pastries sometime before Saturday afternoon? We are also looking for Bacon and Orange Juice - grab a donation slip to see what we still need, also available on the Hub.
We are trying something new this year, we are asking breakfast diners to fill in forms so we can get a better idea on how many people to plan for Forms are available - on the Hub (I bet you are getting the idea that there's a lot of good information on The Hub - and you're right!) But what we really want is for you to join us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. So whether you come after the Sunrise Service, after the 8:00 Early Service or before the 10:45 Late Service - we want to help you celebrate Easter with your families and the family at Bethel. See you Easter morning! |
July 2016
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