Sunday In-Person Worship - 9AM with Facebook Livestream (Sunday)
-You will need to be logged into your Facebook account to watch the Livestream.
- Click Here for the Sunday Worship Bulletin
- Current Service Roster
- Click here to serve as an Usher (2024)
- The weekly Sunday Worship Bulletin will be available prior to the service.
- We would still like to know "Who's in the virtual Pew?" - If you watch the recorded service on the recent posts page please fill out the Virtual Attendance Card.
- Altar Flowers placed on the altar every week are made possible by Bethel members who sign up on the flower chart. Church members may share birthdays, anniversaries or remember loved ones through the gift of flowers. We ask for a minimum donation of $30.00 for each floral arrangement. Please place the donation in the collection plate, and clearly mark the envelope "Altar flowers" or give a donation to the office.
- Prayer requests can be emailed to the office at [email protected] , Pastor Squires at [email protected] or you can call the office at 847-244-9647.
- Offerings can be mailing or sent electronically using VANCO.
- To view the recent worship service, go to the Recent Posts and click on the latest service information.
- All previous Worship Services can be found under "Recent Posts".