(for Bethel members & regular attendees)
NOTE: It asks for your name and email ONLY to provide you with your individual results. The congregation will only have access to anonymous data. ALSO, each person needs a different email address. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.
Generosity Expressions Series
January—February 2020
A sermon & study series to help us explore how God has designed us to express generosity
Generosity Expressions helps us to see that there's not just one way to show generosity. Generosity shows up in five different expressions: monetary giving, hospitality, emotional-relational support, volunteering-service and gifts. But each of us has a unique combination of those expressions, so that one person's generosity doesn't look the same as another.
The Generosity Expressions™ Profile
We need as many Bethel people as possible to complete this by February 2.
As a tool for this series, The Generosity Expressions™ Profile is a short online assessment experience that will give you helpful insights about yourself, but it will also help us create an anonymous report about what Bethel's generosity looks like. We need as many of you to complete this brief assessment as possible.
Sunday Series Schedule
(Sermons & Sunday AM Adult Bible Study)
January 19 - Introduction to Series / Encouragement about Online Assessment
January 26 - Volunteering / Service
February 2 - Hospitality
February 9 - Monetary Support
February 16 - Gifts
February 23 - Emotional/Relational Support
NOTE: It asks for your name and email ONLY to provide you with your individual results. The congregation will only have access to anonymous data. ALSO, each person needs a different email address. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.
Generosity Expressions Series
January—February 2020
A sermon & study series to help us explore how God has designed us to express generosity
Generosity Expressions helps us to see that there's not just one way to show generosity. Generosity shows up in five different expressions: monetary giving, hospitality, emotional-relational support, volunteering-service and gifts. But each of us has a unique combination of those expressions, so that one person's generosity doesn't look the same as another.
The Generosity Expressions™ Profile
We need as many Bethel people as possible to complete this by February 2.
As a tool for this series, The Generosity Expressions™ Profile is a short online assessment experience that will give you helpful insights about yourself, but it will also help us create an anonymous report about what Bethel's generosity looks like. We need as many of you to complete this brief assessment as possible.
Sunday Series Schedule
(Sermons & Sunday AM Adult Bible Study)
January 19 - Introduction to Series / Encouragement about Online Assessment
January 26 - Volunteering / Service
February 2 - Hospitality
February 9 - Monetary Support
February 16 - Gifts
February 23 - Emotional/Relational Support